Die Sonderlizenz zum Heiraten


In vielen historischen Romanen, speziell die Epoche des Regency, ist von einer Sonderlizenz zum Heiraten die Rede. Google spuckt nichts aus, also frage ich euch mal: Wer stellt diese Lizenz aus (Bischof?), was kostete sie ungefähr und wer war überhaupt in der Lage, sich diese Lizenz zu verschaffen?

die Loesung heisst Hardwicke's Marriage Act, siehe auch Marriage Act 1753 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hier Marriage license - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia heisst es zusaetzlich noch: There were two kinds of marriage licenses that could be issued: the usual was known as a common license and named one or two parishes where the wedding could take place, within the jurisdiction of the person who issued the license. The other was the special license, which could only be granted by the Archbishop of Canterbury or his officials and allowed the marriage to take place in any church.

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