Angebliches Gandhi-Zitat


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"Zuerst ignorieren sie dich,
dann machen sie dich lächerlich,
dann bekämpfen sie dich,
und dann verlieren sie gegen dich."

Mahatma Gandhi

Der Spruch stammt übrigens von Nicholas Klein und lautet im Original: "First they ignore you. Then they ridicule you. And then they attack you and want to burn you. And then they build monuments to you."
And Then They Build Monuments to You - Wikisource, the free online library

Gedacht haben sich das sicherlich viele. Von Faraday bis Albert Einstein kann man da eine große Liste an Menschen aufzählen.

Irgendetwas ähnliches hat wohl auch Gandhi gedacht. Ausgedrückt hat er es folgendermaßen:

"Had His Excellency the Viceroy not made it impossible by his defiant attitude on the Punjab and the Khilafat, I would have tendered him hearty congratulations for substituting ridicule for repression in order to kill a movement distasteful to him. For, torn from its context and read by itself His Excellency's discourse on non-co-operation is unexceptionable. It is a symptom of translation from savagery to civilization. Pouring ridicule on one's opponent is an approved method in civilised politics. And if the method is consistently continued, it will mark an important improvement upon the official barbarity of the Punjab. His interpretation of Mr. Montagu's statement about the movement is also not open to any objection whatsoever. Without doubt a government has the right to use sufficient force to put down an actual outbreak of violence.
But I regret to have to confess that this attempt to pour ridicule on the movement, read in conjunction with the sentiments on the Punjab and the Khilafat, preceding the ridicule, seems to show that His Excellency has made it a virtue of necessity. He has not finally abandoned the method of terrorism and frightfulness, but he finds the movement being conducted in such an open and truthful manner that any attempt to kill it by violent repression would not expose him not only to ridicule but contempt of all right-thinking men.
Let us however examine the adjectives used by His Excellency to kill the movement by laughing at it. It is 'futile,' 'ill-advised,' 'intrinsically insane,' 'unpractical,' 'visionary.' He has rounded off the adjectives by describing the movement as 'most foolish of all foolish schemes.' His Excellency has become so impatient of it that he has used all his vocabulary for showing the magnitude of the ridiculous nature of non-co-operation.
Unfortunately for His Excellency the movement is likely to grow with ridicule as it is certain to flourish on repression. No vital movement can be killed except by the impatience, ignorance or laziness of its authors. A movement cannot be 'insane' that is conducted by men of action as I claim the members of the Non-co-operation Committee are.
It is hardly 'unpractical', seeing that if the people respond, every one admits that it will achieve the end. At the same time it is perfectly true that if there is no response from the people, the movement will be popularly described as 'visionary'. It is for the nation to return an effective answer by organised non-co-operation and change ridicule into respect. Ridicule is like repression. Both give place to respect when they fail to produce the intended effect.
It will be admitted that non-co-operation has passed the stage ridicule. Whether it will now be met by repression or respect remains to be seen. Opinion has already been expressed in these columns that ridicule is an approved and civilized method of opposition. The viceregal ridicule though expressed in unnecessarily impolite terms was not open to exception.
But the testing time has now arrived. In a civilized country when ridicule fails to kill a movement it begins to command respect. Opponents meet it by respectful and cogent argument and the mutual behaviour of rival parties never becomes violent. Each party seeks to convert the other or draw the uncertain element towards its side by pure argument and reasoning.
There is little doubt now that the boycott of the councils will be extensive if it is not complete. The students have become disturbed. Important institutions may any day become truly national. Pandit Motilal Nehru's great renunciation of a legal practice which was probably second to nobody’s is by itself. an event calculated to change ridicule into respect. It ought, to set people thinking seriously about their own attitude. There must be something very wrong about our Government - to warrant the step Pundit Motilal Hehru has taken. Post graduate students have given up their fellowships. Medical students have refused to appear for their final examination. Hon-co-operation in these circumstances cannot be called an inane movement.
Either the Government must bend to the will of the people which is being, expressed in no unmistakable terms through non-co-operation, or it must attempt to crush tbe movement by repression.
Any force used by a government under any circumstance is not repression. An open trial of a person accused of having advocated- methods of violence is not repression. Every State has the right to put down or prevent violence by force. But the trial of Mr. Zafar Ali Khan and two Moulvis of Panipat shows that the Government is, seeking not to put dovyn or prevent violence but to suppress expression of opinion, to prevent the spread of disaffection. This is repression. The trials are the beginning of it. It has not still assumed a virulent form but if these trials do not result in stilling the propaganda, it is highly likely that severe repression will be resorted to by the Government.
The only other way to prevent the spread of disaffection is to remove the causes thereof. And that would be to respect the growing response of the country to the programme of non-co-operation. It is too much to expect repentance and humility from a government intoxicated with success and power.
We must therefore assume that the second stage in the Government programme will be repression growing in violence in the same ratio as the progress of non-co-operation. And if the movement survives repression, the day of victory of truth is near. We must then be prepared for prosecutions, punishments even up to deportations. We must evolve the capacity for going on with our programme without the leaders. That means capacity for self-government. And as no government in the world can possibly put a whole nation in prison, it must yield to its demand or abdicate in favour of a government suited to that nation.
It is clear that abstention from violence and persistance in the programme are our only and surest chance of attaining our end.
The government has its choice, either to respect the movement or to try to repress it by barborous methods. Our choice is either to succumb to repression or to continue in spite of repression. [...]"

Index:Gandhi - Freedom's battle.djvu - Wikisource, the free online library