Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst


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I'd like to know how is the most common image of chancellor Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst like. What do the German students learn about him? What character is mainly attributed to this important person?

You can answer in German. I understand a lot of your language, but I cannot use it active yet.

Maciek from Poland

I'd like to know how is the most common image of chancellor Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst like. What do the German students learn about him? What character is mainly attributed to this important person?

You can answer in German. I understand a lot of your language, but I cannot use it active yet.

Maciek from Poland

Personally, i think H.-S. is not very widely known in Germany. The reason for that would be, that german students would only occasionally get to hear about him in school. Usually, the time he lived in, is part of 7th or 8th grade lessons, in which is also dealt with all other historical issues from revolutionary france until the end of world war I.

Students might get in contact with him again in the "Oberstufe", which is only attended by students who want to reach the "Abitur"-degree. But even there, H.-S. is not an mandatory subject.

So, after all I guess it depends on the teacher, whether students learn about him, but i wouldn´t expect this to occur very often.

As a result of that (considering that there isn´t any widespread knowledge) i´d be careful to talk about such things as "mainly attributed character" at all. I think, debates like that are more or less restricted to the scientific community (or hobby-historians).
Zu Hohenlohe gibt es eine Biographie von Volker Stalmann, Fürst Chlodwig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingfürst.
Interessant zum Thema Hohenlohe ist auch, das er 1879 sich ganz im Sinne Bismarcks beim Kaiser für den Abschluss des Bündnisses mit Österreich-Ungarn eingesetzt hatte. Bismarck war zu jener Zeit bereits dabei an seinem Kaiser zu verzweifeln und war nahe dran zurückzutreten.
Nachzulesen bei Rogge, Holstein und Hohenlohe