Werner Maser & Jean-Marie Loret

Anthony schrieb:
It surely can be a translation error, but it is apparent that she switched her opinion, why would Maser else travel with two journalists to make a fool of himself?

At first in my eyes is not a real reserch, if historican wants to compromise some contemporary witnesses. And this not a sort critical assessment of sources. In my eyes he only want to devaluate meanings, which doesn't fit to his thesis! But thats only the viewpoint i can get by reading his argumentation!

Anthony schrieb:
Hier ist ein link zu das untersuch von Maser wo auch die quellen vermeldet werden. Es is auch genumd in der offnung diesen thread.

No, i meant sources for the new thesis of BvE. For example the thesis of the picture. Every thesis have to be proved!
Anthony schrieb:
In the past, when there was no DNA test, Loret was the subject of a genetical research, done by the university of Heidelberg. The similarities between him and Hitler were according to the test 66%, this alone is maybe enough reason to do a DNA research. DNA researches had also been done in cases far less important, like the Naundorff claim or the woman who said she was Anastasia.
Well, if everone agreed this test, than do it...But also think like ponzelar. How important is this for the historical research. But if u will live your destiny, good luck ;)

Anthony schrieb:
I think Werner Maser's reputation is far worse in Germany then in the rest of the world, when i mailed to other historians like Kershaw and Ryback about this case, they all said that they have great respect for Maser's work in general. About Nurnberg, i can see that Maser's attempt to put some shades of grey in the black white image of the trial can be political sensitive, but to put him down as a revisionist goes a bit far in my opinion.

Kind regards,

For example, Daniel Goldhagens reputation is also better in the Britain and the Usa, than in Germany. That's no argument. I only said something about my work about Maser and i will give you for sure some examples, if you want in which his thesis shows a revisionst character! And his "grey" is in my eyes a bit to much "brown"...

Best regards,
Anthony schrieb:
As i mentioned earlier in this thread, much historians try to explain Hitler's behaviour or at least a substantial part of it, as a result of some kind of sexual disorder. Recently Machlan for example.

wenn er einen sohn gehabt hätte, wäre daraus nicht zu schließen, hitler hätte bezüglich seiner sexualität keine schwierigkeiten gehabt. wenn er kein kind hatte, kann daraus nicht das gegenteil geschlossen werden. insofern scheint mir die debatte vollkommen unergiebig.

bezüglich der spekulationen zu hitlers angeblicher homosexualität sind mir keine wirklichen fakten bekannt. zu damen gab es wohl beziehungen, eine unerfüllte jugendliebe ist bekannt (die verehrte wusste wohl nichts davon), das verhältnis zu seiner verwandten g. raubal und schließlich seine beziehung zu e. braun. was nun die sexuelle orientierung hitlers war, weiß wohl keiner, weil hitler als privatmensch weitgehend unbekannt blieb, laut haffner u.a. als privatmensch wohl auch uninteressant war. ebenfalls haffner war es, der die these vertrat, hitler sei weder hetero- noch homo-, sondern wohl asexuell gewesen.

hetero-, homo- oder asexuell, das vorhandensein eines sohnes, oder die kinderlosigkeit gäbe hierzu nicht wirklich aufschluß.