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Noch bevor Essen durch Feuer verdaulicher wurde, setzte der Effekt der Zerkleinerung/Zermantschung durch Werkzeuge ein, welcher bewirkte dass die Kiefer sich bereits zurückbilden konnten.: origins of the genus Homo are murky, but by H. erectus, bigger brains and bodies had evolved that, along with larger foraging ranges, would have increased the daily energetic requirements of hominins1, 2. Yet H. erectus differs from earlier hominins in having relatively smaller teeth, reduced chewing muscles, weaker maximum bite force capabilities, and a relatively smaller gut3, 4, 5. This paradoxical combination of increased energy demands along with decreased masticatory and digestive capacities is hypothesized to have been made possible by adding meat to the diet6, 7, 8, by mechanically processing food using stone tools7, 9, 10, or by cooking11, 12. Cooking, however, was apparently uncommon until 500,000 years ago13, 14, and the effects of carnivory and Palaeolithic processing techniques on mastication are unknown.